So what exactly is an STI?
STI is short for Sexually Transmissible Infection. Put simply, it means infections that are passed from one person to another by having sex (including oral and anal sex) and sometimes through direct contact with genitals. If fluid is swapped from one partner to another (vaginal fluid, blood or semen) then you are at risk.
STIs are caused by bacteria or a virus, and as we mentioned above, are really, really common. But, if left untreated, they can cause some serious problems including infertility. That may not sound like a big deal now but it could affect your future choices and relationships, so keep it in mind.
You’ve probably heard the term STD, or Sexually Transmitted Disease, being used by some people, especially the media. This is because the term STD was used like we use STI today. A few years ago, STD was actually replaced in Australia with the new term STI or Sexually Transmissible Infection. Why? Because STIs have no symptoms and can be cured, which the term STD did not really cover. The best form of protection against STIs or STDs is condoms.