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Sexual Health Advocacy

It includes advice for working with all young people, including those who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, LGBTIQA+, and young people with disability. Anyone working with young people can use this tool – including workers in youth services programs, schools, sports clubs, homelessness services, and youth advocacy and legal services. Sexual health initiatives are most effective when delivered as part of larger, holistic program provided by trusted workers. However, organisations may face barriers when being proactive with young people about their sexual health. These can include workers feeling it is not part of their role, management seeing sexual health as ‘too risky’, competing priorities, lack of resources and concerns around parent/guardian consent. This tool addresses these concerns by providing information to integrate sexual health into pre-existing programs and frameworks using Kotter’s 8-step change model. Anyone, at any level in an organisation, can be an effective advocate for change. By following these easy steps, you can help build your organisation’s capacity to support the sexual health of young people. Consider using this tool alongside the organisational checklist. It is designed to help you plan sexual health activities as part of your work. Download Sexual Health Advocacy Tool PDF

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