In this fact sheet, ‘parents’ includes guardians, carers and any other significant adult that may encourage, or hinder, young people’s engagement with sexual health.
Actively engaging with parents about sexual health programs and activities may overcome potential misunderstandings and build parental trust and support for your work with young people. Research shows parents want their children to be well informed about sex, relationships and sexual health.
Parents want to be kept informed about programs being offered. They also want reassurance that the people providing the information have the skills and qualifications to do the work in a way that respects the diversity of values among young people and their families. Parents appreciate communication about programs and their content, and value opportunities to discuss questions they have with workers.
Parents often lack confidence in fulfilling their role as sexual health educators for their children. They often request information and guidance in sharing their values with their children. And they often ask for help with having conversations about sex, including how to deal with sexual health information prominent in the community.