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Welcome To Play Safe Pro

Play Safe Pro is here to provide you with tools, training and resources. Designed for professionals who are working with and supporting young people in NSW, Pro helps you start the conversation around safer sex and gives you the answers you need.

Useful tools

Youth friendly checklist

A checklist for practice managers, GPs and other staff working in primary health care settings to plan how to improve the youth friendliness of their service.

Youth worker factsheet

This factsheet supports youth workers to have the knowledge to support young people around reproductive and sexual health.

Gender affirming care: guidelines and resources

The Sexual Health Infolink (SHIL) have collected key guidelines and resources to support gender affirming care of young people.

trauma informed care

Trauma informed care in sexual health

As professionals working with young people, you have an opportunity to help them navigate relationship challenges and arm them with the tools to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy behaviours.

First-time sex: what young people need to know

As professionals working with young people, you have an opportunity to help them navigate relationship challenges and arm them with the tools to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy behaviours.

HIV stigma and discrimination

As professionals working with young people, you have an opportunity to help them navigate relationship challenges and arm them with the tools to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy behaviours.

Talking to parents, guardians and carers about sexual health factsheet

When discussing sexual health with young people, it’s essential to recognise and address personal biases. This article we discover how professionals can foster more open conversations about sexual health.

Key sexual health messages factsheet

When discussing sexual health with young people, it’s essential to recognise and address personal biases. This article we discover how professionals can foster more open conversations about sexual health.


Supporting young people to talk to their doctor about sexual health factsheet

When discussing sexual health with young people, it’s essential to recognise and address personal biases. This article we discover how professionals can foster more open conversations about sexual health.

Staying safe during oral sex: Key messages for professionals working with young people

When discussing sexual health with young people, it’s essential to recognise and address personal biases. This article we discover how professionals can foster more open conversations about sexual health.

Check your bias: A guide to leaving judgement at the door

When discussing sexual health with young people, it’s essential to recognise and address personal biases. This article we discover how professionals can foster more open conversations about sexual health.

Healthy relationships: Helping young people recognise red flags

As professionals working with young people, you have an opportunity to help them navigate relationship challenges and arm them with the tools to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy behaviours.


Integrating sexual health promotion within your organisation

Embedding sexual health promotion within your workplace can be done through a few simple strategies. This article tells you how.

Beyond yes and no: How to navigate conversations about consent with young people

Understanding what consent is and being able to help young people set boundaries and navigate conversations around consent with confidence. Here are six strategies to help you guide conversations.

Navigating STI testing: Separating fact from fiction for young people

Getting a regular test is an important way that young people can look out for their health. Here’s what you need to know about testing and how to support a young person.

Syphilis 101: A resource for professionals working with young people

Syphilis is on the rise in NSW. This article provides you with all you need to know about syphilis, including how it is transmitted, any symptoms and where to get tested.

Eight Strategies for Talking to Young People about HIV

Here are eight strategies to effectively navigate discussions about HIV, dispel myths, reduce stigma, and foster conversations with young people.

Contraception conversations: Supporting young people

If a young person you’re working with has questions about contraception options, preventing pregnancy and safe sex, this article will help guide your discussion.

Tackling Herpes: A guide for professionals working with young people

Did you know that herpes affects 1 in 8 Australians? Clinically speaking, it’s an incredibly common and rarely severe skin condition. Yet, there’s often unnecessary shame surrounding it.

Sexuality and sexual health education and working with parents, carers and families

A guidance document for schools on working with parents, carers and families about sexuality and sexual health education.

Sexuality and sexual health education for school wellbeing staff

A guidance document for school wellbeing staff on how to support positive sexuality and sexual health education.

Sexuality and sexual health education for school leaders

A guidance document for school leaders on how to enable positive and inclusive sexuality and sexual health education in their school.

Resources for parents, carers and young people

A range of resources and professional organisations who provide evidence-based information and support on a range of sexuality and sexual health education topics.

Best Practice Statement

A tool to support educators to plan, deliver and evaluate sexuality and sexual health education in NSW schools.

Mpox (monkeypox): Need-to-knows if you’re working with young people

This article tells you everything you need to know about mpox. What is it? Who is at risk? How is it spread? We’ve got the answers.

Sexual Health Promotion with Young People: Video Resources

A range of videos to display on screens within your service to normalise conversation around sexual health.

Trauma informed care: A guiding tool to discussing sexual health with young people

A guiding tool to assist you in having discussions about sexual health with young people through a trauma informed lens.

Sexual health check factsheet for young people

This factsheet contains some useful information that can help young people out when going for their first sexual health check.

Sexual Health and Peer Education (SHAPE) Program

The SHAPE Program not only educates young people but also provides a great opportunity for young people to develop skills. Learn more!

Sexual health promotion for young people with an experience of trauma

This factsheet supports professionals and carers working with people in out of home care around the topic of sexual health conversations.

Sexual health promotion with young people with a disability

People with disability have the right to have sexual relationships, access sexual health services and to make decisions about their body. This factsheet supports you navigate sexual health promotion with young people with disability.

Using the Play Safe website

The NSW Health Play Safe website has everything young people need to know about safe sex, condoms, STI testing and treatment.

Consent, age & the law

In NSW, the age of consent for sexual activity is 16 years. This factsheet tells you what you need to know about consent and the law in NSW.

Sexual health promotion with young people of diverse gender and sexuality

Sexual health promotions often focus on messages for the heterosexual community. This factsheet supports professionals working with LGBTIQA+ young people.

Sexual health promotion with culturally & linguistically diverse young people

This factsheet support professionals when working with culturally and linguistically diverse young people around the topic of sexual health.

Sexual health promotion with Aboriginal young people

The following factsheet supports professionals to safely work with Aboriginal young people around the topic of sexual health.

When to use a condom

Sexual health activity evaluation tools

Evaluating sexual health programs can test the effectiveness of activities in prompting behaviour change and any increases in knowledge. This evaluation sheet can help you do so.

Sexual health group work

The resource kit includes a range of activities that use group dynamics to explore the topic of sexual health in a safe and fun way.

Talking to parents, guardians & carers

Designed to help parents, carers and guardians feel confident about discussing sexual health with their young person.

Talking about sexual health

Youth workers are trusted as a source of information on sexual health by young people. They may want to talk to you about their relationships and sexual concerns. So how do you start the conversation?

Exploring values

Before speaking with young people about sexual health or sexuality, it is important to be familiar with our own beliefs and values.

Key sexual health messages

Youth workers do not need to know everything about sexual health to provide effective support to young people. Here's our sexual health key messages.

Condom Protocol

This guide covers the ins and outs of providing condoms to young people, legal considerations and strategies for implementing condom distribution at your service.

Model Policies

An adaptable policy you can use to ensure all clients have access to the information and support they need to achieve optimal sexual health and wellbeing.

Organisation Checklist

This self-assessment checklist is for all workers and services that see young people, including services that have a general focus but still work with young people.

Sexual Health Advocacy

This tool provides information to help you advocate for changes in your organisation that can better support young people around their sexual health.

Ask a nurse a question

Interactive games

Alphabet Soup

Similar to Scattergories® but with sexual health content, this game is designed to start sexual health conversations in a fun, easy and non-confrontational way.

Condom card game

Designed to teach young people the steps involved in putting on a condom, this game uses flash cards to engage young people around safe sex and condom use.

Handshake game

The handshake game aims to demonstrate the asymptomatic nature of most STIs and how they can spread. Participants will learn what safe sex is, common STIs and how to prevent them.

Condom couture

Condom couture is fun game where young people can familiarise themselves with condoms in a safe, creative and educational way by designing unique pieces of art.

Condom demonstration

A fun activity that involves a demonstration of how to use condoms safely and correctly.

Condom games

A collation of games and activities that aim to demonstrate the strength and flexibility of condoms to normalise their use and engage young people in conversations about safe sex.


A range of questions designed to be used in tram trivia, game show and homemade board games. These questions will assist young people to learn about sexual health.


A range of scenarios to encourage young people to explore options for sexual behaviour and practise protective strategies before faced with similar decisions in real life.

Sexy lucky dip

Designed as a ‘lucky dip’ inspired guessing game where young people use clues to identify and find sexual health items.

Training Resources